As I said before, I am NOT revealing what I'm doing until the end of this journey. I will refer to any products I am using as being from "Company N" and "Company T".
"Company N" will be my nutrition company. I will be following their meal plan with their requested "90% compliance" as well as using their supplements and products exclusively during the beginning of this journey.
"Company T" will be my fitness tracker. Since I like to vary my fitness solutions I will be using an activity tracker which is designed to create a measurable but reasonable increase in fitness daily. I don't want to reveal the tracker at this time as to be honest, I'm not 100% certain about it's choice so I want to give it a chance to prove itself, much like I am doing with "Company N".
As stated in the previous entry: I do not work for "Company N" or "Company T". There has been 0 endorsements. I paid retail price for both company's items. I don't owe them anything and I am not making a dime off anything I say, good, bad, or ugly. :)